Survival Game in Unreal Engine

Technologies Used: Unreal Game Engine, C++

Survival (64-bit, PCD3D_SM5) 15-05-2018 15_23_47_Moment.jpg

3D Survival Game

Playing Diablo has been one of my favorite past-times. I think the amount of time I’ve devoted for grinding in Diablo doesn’t even come near to any other thing I’ve done. This game was rooted from a similar Idea. Though not as intricate or complex as Diablo. It is based on the same beat-em-up game-play mechanics that have been popularized by games like Devil May Cry, God of War and of-course Diablo.

The game was developed using Unreal Engine 4.17. The game helped me explore the intricacies of the Game Designing and Development. Being my first venture in the field of AI Programming. The game also features more of a Wave Mode with two different kind of enemies being spawned per wave.

I’d characterize the Agents behavior to be Model-Reflex Based, where it observes the state that it is currently in. The agent considers various parameters such as:
1. Current health (Agent).
2. Current health (Player).
3. Distance to the Player.
4. Distance to Closest Health Reserve.
5. Number of AI Agents currently present.

This makes for some intense bouts at the later stages of the game, with multiple enemies ambushing the player together. There are two types of Enemy AI with multiple other customization available to increase of decrease the level of Enemy AI.